
Gables Director Receives D.E.A. Award

Gables Group Director Receives Award from Mexico's Attorney General

Gables Group Receives Award from F.B.I. Director

Gables Group Director Aids Officer's Defense

Gables Group Helps Local Police Put Career Criminal On Ice


Risk Consulting

Anti-Piracy Investigations

Worldwide Seizures of
Recorded Media & Branded Goods

Brand Protection

International Fraud Investigations

Kidnap and Threat Mitigation

Worldwide Intelligence Gathering &
Threat Analysis

Experienced Liaisons
to Governments &
Law Enforcement Agencies

Gables Group Offers Threat Recognition, Intelligence Gathering, and WMD and Tactical Medical Skills Training for Law Enforcement

A substantial portion of the firm's practice is devoted to educating government and private sector employees in emergency preparedness, operational tactics, and the creation and operation of effective intelligence organizations.

Gables Group principals, and associates, have documented experience, on many continents, in intelligence gathering and organization building, WMD research and training, counter-terror planning and face-to-face interaction with adversarial groups, and tactical training for law enforcement and security personnel.

As a result of the many inquiries received in the aftermath of recent attacks, we have made personnel available to provide consultative services to agencies who wish to increase their understanding of, and preparation for, the overt (and covert) threats that we face today.

We are honored to have been called upon to assist in facilitating the delivery of up to date area and counter-intelligence training for local law enforcement officers who are on the frontlines in the ongoing fight against terror.

In March and April of 2002, The Gables Group, working in conjunction with Modern Warrior Police Defensive Tactics, one of the nation's premier law enforcement training facilities, and with the Center for Homeland Security Studies, a newly formed non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing law enforcement training in America,presented several eight-hour briefings entitled "Terrorism: Threats, Intelligence, Planning" to local, state and federal law enforcement officers from the New York City area. We are honored to have received many appreciative reviews from the officers and investigators who were able to attend this program.

Details and reviews from this seminar, as well as details of future programs, are available to law enforcement personnel contacting us with verifiable agency contact avenues (agency e-mail, agency phones, agency faxes).

Inquiries from corporate security or planning personnel, regarding the provision of similar programs, are also welcome.

We are also grateful to have received several favorable reviews for our programs on "Introduction to Weapons of Mass Destruction" and "Tactical Medicine", both presented by Dr. Fabrice Czarnecki, and "The Judicious Use of Deadly Force", presented to law enforcement and civilian trainers by Ed Mandelbaum and Dr. Fabrice Czarnecki. Recent forums for these seminars include the 2002 and 2001 Annual Seminars of the American Society for Law Enforcement Training; the 2001 Annual Seminar of the American Women's Self-Defense Association (held at the Sig Arms Academy in Epping, N.H.); the New York City Police Academy; and private classes, held onsite, for state and municipal firearms trainers (agencies located in New York State).

While many well intentioned trainers, litigators and investigators are now advertising risk mitigation services that they believe might be successful, The Gables Group offers substantive and proven experience in confronting complex risks, while offering prompt and individualized attention. Whether you represent a government agency, non-profit entity or private firm, call us at 1-888-535-2160 or +1.206.337.0035 or E-Mail Us for more details on how we may be of assistance.

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